Estimate your property

Fast, free and anywhere in Croatia

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Buy a home

Find the most optimal property based on your preference

Sell a home

Sell a home

Find a buyer for your property quickly and at an optimal price

Estimate property

Estimate property

Using our cutting edge machine learning algorithms

Estimate a Property

How does it work?

Complete the features - Fill in all or most of the features of your property that will be requested by the application.

Wait for the algorithm to evaluate the property - Wait for Cocun to generate your trusted estimation quickly through Machine Learning technology, taking into account thousands of real estate data records.

Get the estimation on the spot - Your estimation is now ready! If you wish, we can now connect you with our trusted brokers to sell or buy the property.

Estimate a PropertyEstimate a Property
Buy a Property

Buy a Property

With our real estate network

Evaluate your desired property - Find out the price of the property you desire, get informed regarding when to buy and in which area.

Get connected - Connect with our internal real estate agent network and we will use our systems to scan through thousands of listings to find the appropriate property for you.

Find the best purchase - Find the property you desire in the best price possible. We will make sure your purchase will be a formidable investment with the highest possible yield.

Sell a Property

Fast and at the most optimal price

Evaluate your property - Find out the price of the property you desire, get informed regarding when and at what price to sell it.

Connect with us - Once you have evaluated your property you can choose to connect with us in order to find the most optimal seller.

Maximize your profits - Our cocun agents will help you along the process of selling your property as quickly and pain free as possible.

Sell a Property

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